Work Policy

To make everything easier, we have put in place tools that help us everyday.
In the following sections, we will briefly describe the Attendance Portal, Leaves & Holidays, Office Timings.

Dynamics HR​

Our HR Portal.

Learn how to use!


We have a number of 21 vacantion days + 2 extra days off each year and we really encourage you to use them all. It is very important to take breaks and refresh the brain once in a while. Just make sure you align your leave days with your team’s schedule. Also, we will all be relaxing on our Annual Holidays since the office is closed during national leave days. Yey!

*Other Paid Leave types: Maternity/ Paternity/ Sick/ Study etc.​

Office Timings’s office hours are flexible with an hour taken for lunch. Our common hours are 10am to 7pm. Just keep in mind that with flexibility comes responsibility, make sure that you communicate with your manager every aspect of your schedule so that your team knows when they can depend on you.

Internal Regulation Policy

Consent to the processing of personal data​