Consent to the processing of personal data

The company RINF OUTSOUTCING SOLUTIONS S.R.L., with the registered office in Bucharest, sector 2, str. Gara Herăstrău nr. 4C, building B, et.3, registered in the Trade Register under no.  J40 /1436/2006, Unique Identification Code 18334380, collects and processes the personal data of employees whose image, name and surname, position and professional specialization are published on the company’s website,

In order to carry out this type of processing of personal data, this agreement explains to the employee how the personal data are used and the purpose for which they are used in order to obtain his consent to the processing.

I. Information

A. Category of personal data processed:

  1. Name and surname
  2. Function
  3. Professional specialization
  4. The image, including the one resulting from photographs taken within the events organized by RINF Outsourcing Solutions SRL or in which it participates

B. Category of personal data processed:

RINF OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS S.R.L. collects and processes your data listed in point (a) and (b). A, for the following purposes:

  1. for the purpose of presenting the professional team of the company to promote the services offered to the clients or potential clients of the company
  2. to increase the degree of retention of employees, as well as the interest of potential candidates for the vacant positions that the company has or may have.

C. Personal data listed in point A. A may be transmitted to the following recipients:

  1. can be accessed by any visitor to the page

D. Retention period for personal data

  1. to process personal data for the purposes/purposes mentioned in point B, the mentioned personal data will be kept for the duration of occupying the mentioned position within the company, respectively for the duration of the employment contract. Also, the data will be kept for the duration of the maintenance of this consent.

E. The rights of the employee in relation to personal data.

In accordance with the provisions and under the conditions laid down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and national law, you can exercise the following rights:

  1. the right of access to your personal data;
  2. the right to rectification / update of data when they are inaccurate / incomplete;
  3. the right to erasure of data;
  4. the right to restrict data processing;
  5. the right to data portability (transfer of your own personal data to another personal data controller designated by you);
  6. the right to object to processing;
  7. the right to file a complaint with the employer and / or the data protection supervisory authority (National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing);
  8. the right to withdraw your consent, at any time, to the processing of personal data, to which you have previously consented;
  9. the right to be notified in case of data security breaches, by the employer.

If you wish for further information or wish to exercise your right to withdraw your consent or any other right, you can contact us using the e-mail address:

II. Consent

I, the undersigned:
as an employee of the company RINF OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS S.R.L., I am aware of the information in this document and: